You may be eligible for a refund
What's the issue?
We believe that some customers who bought UK General policies over the telephone from UK Warranty may not have been sold the policy in a manner meeting our collective high expectations. As a result, it has been decided that the best course of action is to provide refunds to those potentially impacted customers.
Who is potentially impacted?
Those customers potentially impacted will have bought an insurance policy between 1st January 2015 and 31st May 2016 from UK Warranty.
Initial letters are being sent to potentially impacted customers who bought Warranty Insurance from UK Warranty. If you were one of these customers, then you should expect to receive a letter shortly.
What are we doing to put things right?
We, alongside UK General, are writing to those customers identified as potentially impacted, to offer a full refund of any policy premium amounts paid by customers for their insurance policy together with an additional sum of interest on that amount. It has not been possible to review each, and every telephone purchase made during the review period. We do feel however, that by writing to all of those customers that bought policies between those dates, we are ensuring good outcomes for any potentially impacted customers and treating all customers fairly.
What do customers need to do?
All potentially impacted customers have been identified and are being written to with clear instructions on how to get their refund. If you bought a UK Warranty Insurance policy during the period in question and have not received a letter by 1st October, then please contact the review administration team on 03445 571953 or send an email to
Customers that bought a UK Warranty Insurance policy prior to January 2015 may also contact the administration team on the above number should they be concerned about the manner in which their policy was sold to them or have cause for concern.
Any press queries should be directed to Vicky Hodgson COO, UK General.